Kiranjit Ahluwalia
A young woman aged 20 was recently released
from prison following a drastic reduction in her sentence for murdering her
partner by claiming that she had been abused.
There's no point in describing here, yet
again, the disgraceful way in which daytime TV programmes continue to promote
violence against men - but, basically, the female audience applauded this woman
for murdering her partner.
Yes. It never stops!
But you might be interested in some of the things that this
woman said. I quote her verbatim.
This is the account of the events that
apparently took place. Though, of course, we must remember that we only have her side of
the story, because her partner is dead.
"A fight broke out. A very violent fight.
He kept on strangling me. I retaliated back. I tried to defend myself by holding
a knife, and saying, 'stay away from me' and to my surprise, he had a knife too.
So it was a no-go situation. So I ended up throwing my knife away to try to calm
down the situation. He threw his knife at me, and as I followed it, and put my
hand upon it to defend myself, he hit me. And I fell backwards. I tried to catch
him as I was falling and I stabbed him as I was falling. I didn't even realise."
Now, 'He kept on
strangling me'. Well, I just don't find this believable. If this man was
strangling her, how did she get hold of the knife? Where from? How?
And how was he holding the knife while
strangling her?
"He threw his knife
at me and as I followed it and put my hand upon it ." What? He
throws the knife at her and she 'follows it'? What did she do? Catch it in mid
"I tried to catch him as
I was falling and I stabbed him as I was falling." Well,
I can't even imagine how one can be falling 'backwards' and stabbing effectively
at the same
The whole scenario sounds highly improbable.
(And bear in mind that she also had a very
long time - years - in which to re-construct the whole story.)
Oh well. I wasn't there. But here's another interesting part of the
"Do you see yourself as a victim?"
asked the interviewer.
"Do you see yourself as a victim?"
asked the interviewer.
She answers, "It's hard. For a long time
I blamed myself. It was my fault. I took a knife. And I should be punished.
However, I was sent on an intensive course about domestic violence which made me
understand what happened, and what went on. And it gave me the answers that I
was looking for. And I see myself as a victim now."
So, there we have it.
He's dead. But she's the 'victim'.
He's dead. But she's the 'victim'. She has now
been trained to see things this way. This is where the money for
'domestic violence' goes. It is used to train women in the art of seeing
themselves as victims - even when they commit murder.
In the interview this woman also claimed that
she could not leave this relationship because she was too scared.
Isn't this
incredible? She could have picked up the phone at any time and had the police
come round. Or she could have gone to one of the hundreds of refuges for women and
sheltered there while he was arrested. She had a very supportive family
apparently. And so she could even have fled to them.
Did she do any of these things?
What do you think?
Surely ordinary women must realise what effects such
appalling TV programmes have on the way that men feel about them?
If you are a woman and you have a male
partner, then your partner knows that even if you
kill him, you will probably end up on something like this rather disgusting
programme, and receive applause for doing so!
Do you, as a woman, really think that this
helps your relationship with him?
Just imagine for one moment that all these
programmes were actually applauding men who killed their women
Think about it.
Imagine that husbands who had killed their wives were
actually put on air by TV companies in order to be applauded by male
Imagine that husbands who had killed their
wives were actually put on air by TV companies in order to be applauded by male
audiences for having killed them.
How would women feel about this? And how would
they feel if their own male partners actually approved of such programmes
and watched them regularly?
Well, this is what men have now had to endure
for some considerable time. They are so worthless that they can be killed, and their murderers
applauded cheerfully by female audiences.
I wonder how women are going to feel when men
finally start applauding those men who have killed their wives.
I wonder how women are going to feel when men
who have murdered their female partners are turned into celebrities, and cheered
on by rapturous audiences.
You do not think that this will ever happen,
eh? Oh yes it will. On
the internet.